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업체소개(Enterprise Introduction)
"국가공인한국번역행정사" 는 다음과 같은 업무를 전문으로 하고 있습니다.
  • Student studying abroad or Emigration documents other country School Life Records, Certificate of Graduation, Enrollment and Transcript. etc.
    Offered Translation of School documents and it's Notarial certificate of Translation.
    • 해외 유학생 혹은 이민자 서류, 학교생활기록부, 졸업증명서, 입학증명서 및 성적표 등 대한민국 공문서 및 사립학교 서류 와 기업,기관,개인의 번역문 제공 및 번역 증명서 발행.
  • Statement and other materials for Studying or Emigration to USA and other countries Translating and making out a Visa Application, Statement submitted to USA Embassy Offered Notarial certificate of Translation.
    • 미국 및 다른 국가에 유학이나 이민을 위한 성명서 혹은 기타 자료번역 및 비자 신청을 하고, 성명서를 각국 대사관 및 정부기관에 제출되는 각 서류의 번역 및 번역 증명서 발행.
  • Documents to be submitted to office and various foreign countries.
    Translating certificate of Marriage, Divorce, Decease, Birth and medical check, etc.
    Offered Notarial certificate of Translation.
    • 각국 정부 및 산하기관(이민국,교육기관)과 일반 회사 등에 제출할 문서(결혼, 이혼, 병적, 출생, 의료 검사 등) 번역 증명서 발행.
  • Official Opinion
    • KTA Office (Korea Translation & Administration Office) is the official translator office approved by Security Administration of Korea Authority.
      KTA Office offers translations of English, Japanese, and Chinese and related international administration service.
      KTA office was established in 2005, under Korea Public Translators Administration Association.
      Over ten years, KTA office helped more than seven thousands of Korean students in intermediate, high school and university studying abroad and about two thousands of people applying for immigration, offering translation and related services necessary.
      Furthermore, KTA offers administrative and translation service for foreigners who wish to immigrate to Korea for studying, business, visiting, and marriage.

      It is required by law that to translate foreign language to Korean or Korean to foreign language can be done by specific person (or office), and to achieve foreign language translation administrative agent license, only those who are verified about administrative laws, civil law, international law, related transaction law, as well as morality and notary service.
      Moreover, those agents are required to register and be licensed to supervising city halls of the district.
  • 행정사 : 최기철, 김달수, 서원진, 최원준
  • 변호사 : 이승우