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  • HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached documents were prepared and translated by me at the request of the person named above and that the translation is true and accurate to the original document.Translated documents submitted to you (agency) are accurately and fairly authorized translation with theright of Official Translation Administrative Office based on Republic of Korea’s Licensed Administrative Agent Act (Item 3 and 4, Paragraph 1, Article 2).A Registered public Translator is authorized to translate foreign documents submitted to and Korean documents issued by the Government Offices and its relevant authorities of the Republic of Korea from foreign languages to Korean and vice versa. If there is any mistaken part, we issue Transportation Certificate to take legal responsibility under Republic of Korea’s Licensed Administrative Agent Act(Paragraph 2, Act 20). IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have here unto subscribed my name and affixed my seal of office.
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증명서가 첨부되지 않은 개인,기업 번역문과 ‘NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE’로 발행된 경우는 별도의 ’Number of issue’ 을 발행,게시하지 않고 있습니다.

* KTA Office (Korea Translation & Administration Office)
No 증명번호
Date of issue
2298 41160 미래에셋 2015-09-21 IMPORTANT NOTICE 2015-09-24
2297 41159 김재은 2015-09-21 남경 메아리 국제학교교육과정 2015-09-24
2296 41158 三星物产 2015-09-21 登记事项全部证明书(包括撤销项目) 2015-09-24
2295 41157 화인텍크 2015-09-17 이사회의록 2015-09-24
2294 41156 AMADO SYLVIA KIM 2015-09-17 SEOUL IMMGRATION OFFICE 2015-09-24
2293 41155 국립오페라단 2015-09-17 음원권리의양도계약서 2015-09-24
2292 41154 롯데쇼핑 2015-09-15 지급명령신청서 외 2015-09-24
2291 41153 JUNG, IL DO 2015-09-21 Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Tax Withholding, and Passport 2015-09-24
2290 41152 JIN XUE MEI 2015-09-21 중국고등교육학력인증보고서0994121 2015-09-24
2289 41151 김혜진 2015-09-16 다코타 재림 학술원수료증 2015-09-24
2288 41150 하종혁 2015-09-18 러시아국가증명위원회결정서 박사학위 2015-09-24
2287 41149 김민경 2015-09-15 Confirmation 신통탄자이확약서 2015-09-24
2286 41148 태영모터스 2015-09-14 볼보버스확인레터 2015-09-24
2285 41147 남하은 2015-09-14 캐나다 벤쿠버한국영사인증성적외 2015-09-24
2284 41145 Lee Ju Il 2015-09-16 Lease Contract Succession Agreement 2015-09-24
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